
Sarah's Laser Surgery in New York

Sarah's first Laser Surgery in New York was very successful! Mom, Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma got to go too! During the surgery they used a laparascope to check her airway and found no sign of the Hemangiomas which was really good news. The next day Dr. Waner gave us a good report - the next laser surgery is scheduled for 2/13/08.

We thank our family and friends so very much for their prayers and support!

Charlie has set up a Special Blog Site that covers their battle with Hemangiomas in detail so others may follow their progress and understand what they have gone through since little Sarah's birth. It is an interesting story that underlines the importance of early and correct diagnosis of Hemangiomas. Their blog is dedicated to couples searching for help for their child with Hemangiomas!

Pictures of our New York trip are on our Web Albums.

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